Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bracelets have been ordered!!!!

Zombie test makeup before blood

This is just a friendly announcement that bracelets have been ordered for the FIRST EVER GRESHAM ZOMBIE WALK!!!

Man, I love saying that...does it show?

Since this is the FIRST EVER GRESHAM ZOMBIE WALK, these are likely to become all of our favorite bracelets, and there are only 99, so you want to be sure to get yours.

Why only 99?  Well, the phrase on the FIRST EVER GRESHAM ZOMBIE WALK, which is 'Zombies were people too" was nominated by Kelly Wilkerson, chosen as a top three contender by YOU, then voted as best first year slogan by YOU, so she gets the first one off the press!


They're only five bucks!


Because we're raising money to apply for our nonprofit status, and we believe we can accomplish it this year.  We have a long list of good we want to do in the Gresham community, and this is the first step.  YOU will be part of something huge an amazing, and only 100 people will ever get to wear the FIRST EVER GRESHAM ZOMBIE WALK bracelet.

Phew, there I go again.


What do they look like?  They are premium 1/2 inch black bracelets with white embossed letters with our slogan and the year.


You can start ordering bracelets now!


You can contact one of the Gresham Zombie Walk founders by heading to our Gresham Zombie Walk facebook page and send us a message!  OR, you can risk it and hope we'll have some left at the Gresham Zombie Walk on October 10th.

All bracelets will be delivered at the Gresham Zombie Walk unless otherwise organized by one of our organizers.

Have a ghoulishly good day ZomMobbers!!!


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